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 Sizzla - Jet Star

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Nombre de messages : 41
Age : 39
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2007

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MessageSujet: Sizzla - Jet Star   Sizzla - Jet Star Icon_minitimeMar 16 Jan 2007, 05:14

No White God

i have no white god
don't teach me anything wrong
could u white god
save me from white man oppression
i have no white god
is just ah blackness i ah
if u white god ah bless u
him no bless sizzla
i want what is rightfully mine
so me nah stay mute
your system is design
to distract me from d truth
but it will come to pass
and known unto d youths
in d process of time
we will know d truth
u give we white god to praise his slavery
d doctrine--------- in d black community
d blackness i have u try to shield with fantasy
but we nah go make u destroy d love with luxury
that's why
have to touch home
i have no place in babylon
as i go dey make me victim---------
oh god i won't be conqured in this region
oh yes i have to stand and go strong
oo me face --- with anger
cause that no right
how could all things
good and valuable must be white
what about d black-----d most in life
u and u white supremacy
waan trick me as u like
u change d version of d bible
who u ah trick
memba all who do evil
won't go unpunish
bear u iniquity u have no wisdom nor witt
all evilous people shall sink inna ah pit
cause when i n i ah trodd
is like moses with d rodd
with one strong----- invole mighty father god
he's d only second party that sizzla have
fi guide me tru d darkness
where d heathen dodge
there wasn't any doubt
but d voice was made to shout
behold jah jah youth
accomplish d route
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